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Restaurant Insurance Louisiana


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Restaurant Insurance Louisiana — Fast Quotes!

Restaurant Insurance LouisianaIf you are seeking Restaurant Insurance in Louisiana then contact Jeff Davis Insurance today for a free quote.

There are two ways you can reach out to us for quotes:

Give us a call toll free at 337-824-4455 before 4:30 PM CST or submit a request for quotes via our simple online quote form available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To access the quote form click one of the links below:

Restaurant Insurance Louisiana – Story Recap

In previous articles we followed the story of Pete Ross, the well-to-do son of business magnates who always wanted to own his own restaurant.

He convinced his parents to lend him the initial capital to start the business with the understanding that they would not be helping him financially anymore beyond this loan.

The opening day of Squeaky Pete’s Pork Emporium is a big success, but was marred by the fact that shortly beforehand a power outage caused a near total loss of the restaurant’s food and ingredient stores.

In last week’s entry, Pete called his insurance agent, Tracy, inquiring as to whether his restaurant policy would cover spoiled food. Unfortunately, Tracy informed him that his policy does not, in fact, cover spoilage. Spoilage must be covered by a special endorsement.

Now that we’re all caught up, let’s see what happens next.

Restaurant Insurance Louisiana – Coverage Scenario Part 3

Pete’s restaurant is doing alright in the weeks following its grand opening. Business is steady and it looks like there’s good potential for growth.

One day, around lunch time, one of Pete’s employees drops a bottle of vegetable oil. The oil spills out all over the laminated floor near the entrance to the public restrooms. The employee shuffles into the kitchen to the storage closet to procure a wet floor sign and a mop bucket to clean up the mess.

Before he returns, a customer exits one of the bathrooms and slips on the oil slick.

The customer falls hard, causing a fracture in his hip and damage to his lower back. A quick 911 call brings an ambulance.

While he is being carried out of the restaurant on a stretcher, he vows to sue the pants off of Squeaky Pete’s Pork Emporium for his injuries.

Pete once again calls Tracy, his insurance agent.

He explains the situation and asks whether his restaurant insurance will cover the customer’s injuries.

What will Tracy tell Pete? Find out in our next entry.   

Restaurant Insurance Louisiana – Call us Toll-Free at 337-824-4455!

If you would like to speak with a licensed agent about your current policy, a future policy, a free quote, or anything else related to your insurance then don’t hesitate to call 337-824-4455 right away!

Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM CST.

To get started on a free quote right now, simply click one of the links listed below pertaining to your area and fill out the short form that appears:

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Louisiana Garage Keepers Insurance


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Louisiana Garage Keepers Insurance — New Program from A+ Rated Company.

Louisiana Garage Keepers InsuranceIf you are in the market for new Garage Insurance in Louisiana you are in the right place!

Call Jeff Davis Insurance to
learn about a new Business Insurance Program from an A+ Rated Insurance company that may reduce your rates by 40% or more!

Our office number is 337-824-4455 or if you want to send us a request online for quotes click any of the links below for your individual area:

Louisiana Garage Keepers Insurance — Pick the Right Coverage or You May Lose a Customer!

In our last article we talked about the 3 different options for Louisiana Garage Keepers Insurance, and they include:

  • Legal Liability
  • Direct Excess
  • Direct Primary

In this article we will consider a fictitious claim scenario that directly involves Garage Keepers Insurance, and we will discuss the exact differences between the three coverage options.

Bill Benson owns Benson Trusty Repair Shop, a full service auto repair shop.  A long time customer named Sam Jones, who owns an HVAC company, brings his personal Honda Pilot in to replace the timing belt and water pump.

Bill’s mechanic Steve Cook finishes the job and takes the vehicle out for a test drive.

As Steve is test driving the vehicle he is involved in an accident. The other driver is at fault… but he doesn’t have insurance

Unfortunately Sam’s Honda Pilot is totaled but Steve walks away without a scratch.  The police show up and a citation is issued to the other driver with a court appearance due to his lack of insurance.

Bill makes the uncomfortable call two hours later to his customer Sam Jones to advise him that his Honda pilot has been totaled and he explains what happened.

Sam asks Bill, “You are going to turn this into your insurance company right?”

“Of course. Let me call my agent right away.”

“You do that Bill. I’m not too happy about my SUV getting totaled by some yahoo without insurance and I’m sure I don’t have to remind you I’ve been a customer for many years with your shop.”

After Bill hangs the phone up with his customer Sam, Bill isn’t 100% sure whether his policy covers this or not since he never had a situation like this come up before. He immediately calls his agent to find out.

Will this claim be covered by Bill’s Louisiana Garage Keepers Insurance Policy?

We will learn the answer in our next article.

Garage Keepers Insurance Louisiana – Call Us First!

When you need the right coverage at the right price don’t forget to call Jeff Davis Insurance first!

One of our Garage Insurance Specialists can help you find a great price on Garage Insurance in Louisiana.

Call this number right away: 337-824-4455

Or use our convenient online quote request system by clicking the link below based on your area:

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Motel Insurance New Orleans


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Motel Insurance New Orleans – Contact Us Today for Quotes!

Motel Insurance New OrleansDo you own Hotels or Motels in New Orleans or the outlying areas of Louisiana? Whether you own a single Motel or a chain of Hotels with multiple locations, Jeff Davis Insurance has the best insurance programs available for those seeking Hotel or Motel Insurance in New Orleans or the surrounding areas.

Unsure whether your business qualifies? Call us at 337-824-4455 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM (CST). Our staff would be happy to answer your questions and find suitable coverage for your New Orleans Motel operation.

Owing to the fact that Jeff Davis Insurance is an independent agency in Louisiana, we are able to browse the business insurance marketplace for the best rates and coverage available at any given moment in order to select the coverage options best suited to the needs of you and your business.

You can obtain free quotes from one of our agents over the phone or you can click on New Orleans Motel Insurance Quotes to visit our quotes page. There you will find a simple and easy to use digital form. All you need to do is fill out the form and click “Submit”, and our agents will be notified.

If you are looking for Motel insurance quotes outside of New Orleans feel free to click one of the links below for quotes pertaining to an area near you:

Motel Insurance New Orleans – Do You Have Gaps in Your Coverage?

Did you know that some business owners run their enterprises for years unaware that they have major liability exposures in their operations – and it comes back to bite them in the future!

When we say these business owners have exposures, we do not mean they have no insurance at all. In most cases they do in fact have some kind of liability insurance for their property.

Businesses are often multifaceted, however, and sometimes smaller elements of the overall business can be neglected when it comes to insurance.

For example, some Hotel or Motel owners offer shuttle services for their guests to transport them to and from the airport. What these owners may not realize is that vehicles being used to transport goods or passengers for business purposes are treated very differently when it comes to insurance.

The vehicle being used as a shuttle would not be covered by a personal auto insurance policy if an accident occurred while on the job. A business auto insurance policy is required for coverage to apply in this situation.

So while things may have gone on without a hitch so far, it would only take one serious accident for the Hotel or Motel to be on the hook for potentially massive repair bills, medical bills, legal fees – or all of the above!

That is why it is important to understand the boundaries of your current policy and to seek out adequate coverage for the aspects of your business that are leaving gaps in your insurance.

New Orleans Motel Insurance – Don’t Be Caught With Coverage Gaps!

The experienced and knowledgeable agents at Jeff Davis Insurance can help you avoid the pitfalls of being underinsured. Let us set you up with a free quote. You may find that better coverage can be much more affordable than you once thought!

To start your free quote today call 337-824-4455 during our office hours or click on Motel Insurance New Orleans Quotes any time to use our free online quote submission tool 24/7, or click one of the locations below:

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Dump Truck Insurance New Orleans


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Fast Quotes and Coverage for New Orleans Dump Truck Insurance.

Dump Truck Insurance New OrleansIf you’re seeking Dump Truck Insurance in New Orleans Louisiana or the nearby areas then you’ve come to the right place. The agents at Jeff Davis Insurance are here to help you with your business insurance needs.

Jeff Davis Insurance is a leading independent insurance agency in Louisiana, and because of this we have the tools and knowledge necessary to help you find the very best rates, options, and service for Louisiana Dump Truck Insurance.

Call us today at 337-824-4455 to speak with one of our commercial auto specialists.

Jeff Davis Insurance can provide excellent insurance programs for all forms of dumping operations, from sand and gravel hauling to debris removal and everything in-between.

New Orleans Dump Truck Insurance – Understand Your Policy.

Insurance is inherently complicated, but commercial auto insurance is especially complex. There are many facets to commercial insurance policies, so it can be all too easy to misunderstand your coverage or to be lulled into assuming that you are covered for a given scenario when in reality you are not.

Like nearly all insurance policies, commercial auto policies feature exclusions that limit their coverage. Sometimes these exclusions are fairly straightforward, i.e. your dump truck would not be covered for damage to it as a result of an act of war.

This exclusion is fairly easy to understand; hopefully this never becomes an issue.

There are other exclusions, however, that are both much trickier to wrap your head around and much more likely to occur in everyday business operations.

Reading and understanding the exclusions present in your policy is important because it can help you to avoid situations in which your coverage would be nullified, thus shielding you from the dreaded claim denial that could end up costing you thousands, tens of thousands, or even more out of pocket.

Dump Truck Insurance New Orleans – Claims Scenario.

Chuck owns and operates a dump truck for his business, Lucky Chuck’s Haul and Dump. Lucky Chuck’s is an all-purpose dumping company; they haul dirt, sand, gravel, rubble, debris, and just about anything else one might need a dump truck for.

One breezy Tuesday afternoon, after a long, hot day, Chuck is looking forward to a refreshing shower and a relaxing evening at home to forget about his bad day. He had driven his dump truck all over town today, lugging tons of white sand, chalky gravel, and thick mud for various projects.

He is covered from head to toe in dried mud and fine white powder from all the sediments he’s hauled today.

Chuck’s mood is less-than-cheery at the moment. Just then, a blazing red sports car moving way too fast cuts in front of Chuck on the highway, nearly causing him to lose control of the wheel.

Chuck’s blood begins to boil as he decides to teach this hot-shot a lesson.

To be continued in next week’s article.

Dump Truck Insurance New Orleans – Call Today!

Give us a call today at 337-824-4455 or click on New Orleans Louisiana Dump Truck Insurance to use our convenient online rate quote submission system to get fast quotes and information 24 hours a day.

We also offer Louisiana Dump Truck Insurance in the following areas:

  • Dump Truck Insurance Kenner Louisiana
  • Gretna Louisiana Dump Truck Insurance
  • Dump Truck Insurance Metairie Louisiana
  • Slidell Louisiana Dump Truck Insurance
  • Covington Louisiana Dump Truck Insurance


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Metairie Terrace Tow Truck Insurance


Metairie Terrace Tow Truck Insurance – Call Today!

Metairie Terrace Tow Truck Insurance

Looking for the best rates on Tow Truck Insurance in Metairie Terrace Louisiana and the nearby areas? Then you’ve come to the right place.

We are Jeff Davis Insurance, a leading insurance agency in Louisiana. As an independent agency we have the tools necessary to help our customers find appropriate and affordable coverage on Tow Truck Insurance in Louisiana.

You can call us today at 337-824-4455 to speak with one of our friendly and experienced agents.

Metairie Terrace Tow Truck Insurance – Exclusions of Coverage. 

This week we will continue the theme of exclusions of coverage. To jog your memory in case you forgot what that means, exclusions of coverage are specific situations pointed out in the language of an insurance policy for which coverage would not be approved by the insurance company.

At Jeff Davis Insurance, the advice we give our policyholders when it comes to exclusions of coverage is to read your policy very carefully

If you want to know what is and, more importantly, is not covered on your Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance policy so that you aren’t hit with a surprise in the future, then reading the policy truly is the best way to achieve that. 

With that in mind let’s continue our claims scenario to illustrate the importance of knowing your policy’s exclusions of coverage.

Tow Truck Insurance Metairie Terrace – Coverage Scenario Continued. 

When last we left off, Biff had filed a lawsuit Pro Se (meaning he will be representing himself instead of hiring a lawyer) against his employer, Marty’s Repair and Tow. 

Shortly after filing the suit, however, Biff received a phone call from the attorneys representing Marty’s insurance company informing Biff that he simply has no grounds for a case. If he doesn’t drop the lawsuit, they will petition the judge for a Declaratory Judgment. 

Biff rudely tells the lawyer to hold for a minute while he looks something up. 

He ambles over to his computer and hurriedly looks up the definition of a declaratory judgment on Wikipedia: 

“…a form of legally binding preventive adjudication by which a party involved in a… legal matter can ask a court to conclusively rule on… the rights, duties, or obligations of one or more parties in a civil dispute” -Wikipedia 

Biff is no legal rocket scientist but he thinks he can still bluff his way into a large settlement. He gets back on the line and tells the lawyer this:

“My wife and I got injured and we are due for some compensation!” 

The lawyer, quickly detecting Biff is not the sharpest tool in the box, mentions that he might be eligible for workers compensation under his employer’s policy. 

Biff only gets angrier as he is looking for the BIG payout. 

“That ain’t good enough, you hear?” Biff screams into the phone. 

The lawyer decides the best course of action is to email Biff the policy language in the insurance policy. 

“Let me do this, Biff; I’ll email you a copy of Marty’s tow policy and highlight what it states. Then, how about we speak again by phone in a few days?” 

Biff reluctantly agrees.

We will conclude our article next week by examining the legal language of the commercial auto insurance policy.

Metairie Terrace Tow Truck Insurance – It’s More Complicated than You Think!  

Commercial insurance is more complex than you might think and for that reason you need an agency than can help you find the coverage you need. 

Why not call the agents of Jeff Davis Insurance today to see how we can help? 

Our number is 337-824-4455 and we are here to answer any tough insurance question you may have.

We also offer Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance in the following areas: 

  • Tow Truck Insurance Zachary Louisiana
  • Tow Truck Insurance Monticello Louisiana
  • Brownfields Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance
  • Baker Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance
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Tow Truck Insurance Shreveport Louisiana


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Tow Truck Insurance Shreveport Louisiana – Great Rates are a Call or Click Away!

Tow Truck Insurance Shreveport LouisianaTow Truck Insurance in Shreveport Louisiana and the surrounding areas can be hard to find, but the agents at Jeff Davis Insurance have you covered.  

For more than 50 years Jeff Davis Insurance has cared for the needs of tens of thousands clients throughout the state of Louisiana. 

We have the knowledge and tools to help you find the best options for Tow Truck Insurance in Louisiana, because we are a leading independent insurance agency.  

Call 337-824-4455 to speak with one of our tow truck insurance specialists.  

We offer competitive insurance solutions for all kinds of towing operations, whether they’re repair garages, dealerships, or dedicated towing services.  

Tow Truck Insurance Shreveport Louisiana – Exclusions of Coverage Concluded.

You may recall from our previous article that we have been looking at the importance of understanding your insurance policy’s exclusions of coverage.

Where we left off in our story, Eustace had just submitted an insurance claim and put the whole gasoline spill incident out of his mind. Let’s find out what became of that claim… 

A few weeks later, Eustace receives a letter from his insurance company detailing their assessment of Eustace’s claim. In a nutshell, they have agreed to cover the damage to the tow truck caused by the collision and the Tanker truck up to $50,000. 

However, Eustace’s insurance company will not cover any environmental damage or cleanup costs caused by the gasoline spillage.  

In other words, Eustace must find a way to pay for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in environmental damage and cleanup out of his own pocket. 

Eustace doesn’t have that kind of money laying around and unfortunately bankruptcy might be his only alternative, which in turn could mean the liquidation of Bojangles Flatbed & Tow.  

Why Was Eustace’s Claim Denied for the gasoline that spilled out?  

Take a look at this exclusion of coverage detailed in his policy:  

Covered pollution cost or expense does not include any cost or expense arising out of the actual, alleged, or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release, or escape of pollutants:  

a. That are, or that are contained in any property that is:

(i) Being transported or towed by, handled, or handled for movement into, (ii) Otherwise in the course of transit by or on behalf of the insured; or (iii) Being stored, disposed of, treated, or processed in or upon the insured.

Eustace’s policy does not cover “any cost… arising out of the… seepage… of pollutants that are… being towed by… the insured.”  

It is good to know about the exclusions of coverage before a claim occurs, would you not agree? 

Tow Truck Insurance Shreveport Louisiana – Call Today!  

If Eustace had read and understood his policy, he might have recognized that he was not covered for towing a tanker full of gas and could have avoided the situation altogether.  

Don’t be like Eustace. Call the agents at Jeff Davis Insurance to get answers to your questions about exclusions of coverage, and find the coverage that fits your needs.  

Call 337-824-4455 Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (CST). Let us shop the market to find the best coverage options on Tow Truck Insurance in Shreveport Louisiana. 

We also offer Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance in the following areas:  

  • Tow Truck Insurance Lafayette Louisiana
  • Tow Truck Insurance Lake Charles
  • Bossier City Tow Truck Insurance
  • Tow Truck Insurance Kenner Louisiana
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Baton Rouge Tow Truck Insurance


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Better Option for Baton Rouge Tow Truck Insurance are One Call Away!

car-44400_1280Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance is super expensive and for this reason it’s best to speak with the Tow Insurance Specialist at Jeff Davis Insurance to help you find the coverage you need at a great price.

Because we specialize in offering insurance for Tow Service Companies, Auto Repair Garages, and Car Dealerships you can count on us to help you find the best options. 

Call 337-824-4455 Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Central time. 

Baton Rouge Tow Truck Insurance – This Is One Way to Get Your Next Claim Denied!

In last week’s post we discussed how important it is to provide accurate information on your insurance application when purchasing Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance.

Some agents affiliated with our company have advised us about situations where unethical insurance agents have falsified information on tow truck insurance applications to generate a lower premium for customers who are shopping for tow truck insurance.

Naturally, most agents are honest and ethical.  However, if you buy insurance with incorrect information submitted to your insurance company, you might be setting yourself up for a claim denial. 

How can insurance companies issue claim denials when inaccurate information is listed on the insurance application? 

Notice This Legal Disclaimer from One Insurance Company.

Fraud or Misrepresentation

This policy was issued in reliance upon the information provided on your insurance application. 

We may void this policy at any time, including after the occurrence of an accident or loss, if you

  1. Made incorrect statements or representations to us with regard to any material fact or circumstance;
  2. Concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance; or
  3. Engaged in fraudulent conduct; at the time of application. This means that we will not be liable for any claims or damages that would otherwise be covered. 

In next week’s post we will discuss a hypothetical situation when the radius of operation is misstated on the application and we will discover the results after a claim is made by that particular trucking company. 

Don’t miss our next issue! 

The Best Options on Tow Truck Insurance Baton Rouge Louisiana Are One Call Away!

When you need the best options for Tow Truck Insurance in Baton Rouge Louisiana or any of the surrounding areas Jeff Davis Insurance is the company you need! 

Call 337-824-4455 during normal business hours to speak with our Tow Truck Insurance Specialists and we can help you find the coverage you need at a price you can afford. 

We offer commercial truck insurance throughout the state of Louisiana including the following local areas: 

  • Tow Truck Insurance Monticello
  • Denham Springs Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance
  • Tow Truck Insurance Brownfields Louisiana
  • Port Allen Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance
  • Tow Truck Insurance Baker Louisiana
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New Orleans Tow Truck Insurance


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Same Day Coverage – New Orleans Tow Truck Insurance.

New Orleans Tow Truck Insurance QuotesIf you need coverage for New Orleans Tow Truck Insurance you have found the right company!

Jeff Davis Insurance offers a super competitive Tow Truck Insurance Program throughout the State of Louisiana.

Call 337-824-4455 and speak to the representatives of Jeff Davis Insurance right now!.

We are a leading independent agency specializing in Tow Truck Insurance in Louisiana and in most cases we offer same-day coverage for up to 10 vehicles.

If you are a new towing service company or a well-established firm, we have the markets to help you find the protection you need.

Great Coverage and Advice for Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance Is One Call Away!

As a business owner you need good coverage to protect yourself financially. You should never settle for cheap coverage without advice from a company caring for your trucking insurance. 

As an agency we work with top rated companies but we also provide helpful tips and advice to protect you financially.

The bad news is that some companies selling Tow Truck Insurance in New Orleans will not lift a finger to help you if you have a claim.

This is where we at Jeff Davis Insurance are different.  We offer a Claims Advocacy Program to help the claims process run smoothly and efficiently.

For example if you are involved in an accident even if it’s not your fault, what steps should you take?  Following the company’s requirements you are insured with is step number one.

Steps to Take If You Are Involved in an Accident with Your Tow Truck.

Note how one insurance company defines the actions that policyholders need to take:

For coverage to apply under this policy, you or the person seeking coverage must promptly report each accident or loss even if you or the person seeking coverage is not at fault. Refer to your policy documents for the claims phone number.

You or the person seeking coverage must also obtain and provide us the names and addresses of all persons involved in the accident or loss, the names and addresses of any witnesses, and the license plate numbers of the vehicles involved.

If you or the person seeking coverage cannot identify the owner or operator of a vehicle involved in the accident, or if theft or vandalism has occurred, you or the person seeking coverage must notify the police within 24 hours or as soon as practicable.

However, for purposes of uninsured motorist coverage when the owner or operator of a vehicle involved in the accident cannot be identified, you or the person seeking coverage must notify the police no more than 30 days after the accident.

In next week’s issue we will consider other important steps that must be taken for coverage to apply with your Policy.

Great Rates and Coverage for Tow Truck Insurance in New Orleans.

As a business owner you are likely very busy and the last thing that you need is spending hours on the phone looking for better deals on tow truck insurance in New Orleans Louisiana.

We not only can save you time but we will find the coverage you need at an affordable price.

Why not call us today at 337-824-4455?

Our licensed agents are available Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Central standard Time.

Need insurance in other areas?  Note some of the additional areas we serve:

  • Kenner Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance
  • Tow Truck Insurance Gretna Louisiana
  • Belle Chasse Tow Truck Insurance
  • Tow Truck Insurance Terrytown Louisiana
  • Chalmette Louisiana Tow Truck Insurance


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Commercial Tow Truck Insurance Louisiana


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Commercial Tow Truck Insurance Louisiana Quotes Available From Top Companies!

Commercial Tow Truck Insurance LouisianaIf you own a garage providing towing services or a tow truck company you need the best options for commercial tow truck insurance in Louisiana.

Jeff Davis Insurance provides insurance for thousands of individuals and companies in the state of Louisiana and you can count on us today and tomorrow when shopping for tow truck insurance in Louisiana.

Call 337-824-4455 to speak with our licensed representatives. 

Make sure Your Liability Limits Are Sufficient.

One of the most important steps that should be taken when shopping for tow truck insurance in Louisiana is to make sure you purchase sufficient liability limits to cover your financial interests.

For example one fairly large tow truck company operating in multiple states and offering 24 hour per day services, with revenues in excess of $4 million per year, only maintained at the time $1 million of auto liability insurance for its fleet of 22 vehicles.

As a business owner do you believe that $1 million of coverage would be sufficient to cover a company generating more than $4 million in revenue per year?

Example:  A driver working for this company after picking up an abandoned pickup truck at 6 AM in the morning falls asleep at the wheel and plows into a semi-truck that in turn strikes a minivan with two passengers on their way to work causing two fatalities in the minivan.

A subsequent investigation revealed that the driver had been working overtime for the tow truck company and had not slept in 24 hours because of the heavy workload he was under at his company.

A verdict of $3 million +3 million in punitive damages was assessed against the tow truck operation.*

Because the company only had $1 million in liability coverage they were forced to file bankruptcy and liquidate its assets and close its doors.

Could This Happen to Your Business?

While it’s likely true that an accident of this proportion would never occur to your business, what if something similar happened?

As an employer you are not only responsible for your own actions, but of the actions of your employees.

What if you were sued for an amount of money that exceeded your coverage limits on your Louisiana tow truck insurance policy?

Any amount of money not covered by insurance would be the responsibility of the business.

Because of this fact it’s important to choose your coverage limits wisely.

Need Commercial Tow Truck Insurance in Louisiana? 

We can not only help you find the coverage you need, but we can discuss how a commercial umbrella policy can give you added protection for your company.

Call 337-824-4455 to speak with one of our licensed agents when you’re shopping for the best options on commercial tow truck insurance in Louisiana.

Louisiana tow truck insurance also available in the following communities:

  • Commercial Tow Truck Insurance New Orleans
  • Tow Truck Insurance Baton Rouge
  • Tow Truck Insurance Lake Charles
  • Commercial Tow Truck Insurance Shreveport
  • Tow Truck Insurance Lafayette Louisiana
  • Tow Truck Insurance Metairie Terrace
  • Tow Truck insurance Monroe Louisiana
  • Tow Truck Insurance Jennings

*This is a fictitious claims example.

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Home Insurance Lafayette Louisiana


Call Jeff Davis Insurance When You are Looking for Car or Homeowners Insurance in Lafayette Louisiana

Home Insurance Lafayette Louisiana When you are looking for car or home insurance in Lafayette Louisiana or the surrounding areas, call Jeff Davis Insurance at 337-824-4455.

We can help you find the coverage you need for a price typically lower than our competitors!

If it is more convenient please, use our online rate quote system for car or home quotes by clicking Insurance Lafayette Louisiana. In 5 minutes or less, you will have rates from top companies competing for your business!

In a previous article we discussed the following topic:

Child Care Insurance Louisiana – Is this Covered by my Home Insurance Policy?

In our previous article Ron and Tammy Bierson began to offer child care in their home and unfortunately one of the children being cared for was injured and the parents of the injured child filed a $500,000 lawsuit against the Bierson’s.

The Bierson’s file a claim with their home insurance company.  Will they pay for this potential $500,000 claim? Unfortunately, the answer is likely no for the Bierson’s. This is why:

A homeowner’s insurance policy is not designed to cover the business pursuits of policyholders. 

Please note how this is explained in one Lafayette Louisiana home insurance policy:


  1. Coverage E — Personal Liability and Coverage F — Medical Payments to Others do not apply to bodily injury or property damage: 

Arising out of business pursuits of any insured. This exclusion does not apply to:

(1) Activities which are ordinarily incident to non-business pursuits;

(2) The occasional or part-time business pursuits of any insured who is under 23 years of age.

Some stay-at-home mothers want to make extra money by offering childcare or babysitting services for a fee.

This activity is prohibited by insurance companies for the very reason as outlined in this claim scenario.

Please note that in some instances childcare could be covered if one of the insureds is under a certain age, and this age can vary from company to company. (Don’t assume it is 23 years of age with every company)

The particular company cited above bases their age at 23.  Why is the age of importance?  This is designed for younger individuals such as teenagers offering childcare in their parents’ home.

It’s not intended for a commercial enterprise which was clearly the case for the Bierson’s and so likely a claim would be denied in this situation.

If you offer childcare in your home it’s best to consider purchasing the appropriate commercial general liability insurance, otherwise you may find yourself on the losing end of a lawsuit without any protection from your insurance company!

Choose Jeff Davis Insurance When You Need Home Insurance in Lafayette Louisiana!

We offer a homeowners coverage checklist that helps to identify gaps in insurance protection that could leave you in a very vulnerable position financially.

Call us today at 337-824-4455 or use our convenient online rate quote system in the links you see below:

We look forward to assisting you with your insurance needs!

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