Tag Archives: Baton Rouge Gas Station Insurance

Baton Rouge Gas Station Insurance


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Baton Rouge Gas Station Insurance – Exciting New Programs Available!

Baton Rouge Gas Station Insurance

One of our insurance partners has recently made programs available that offer excellent low rates on Business Insurance for Gas Stations, Corner Stores, and Convenience Stores, which means we can provide you with an affordable policy that doesn’t sacrifice your quality of coverage!

If that sounds like something you’re interested in then call us toll-free by dialing 337-824-4455 Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST (with a break for lunch from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM).

Once one of our agents is on the phone they can get your free insurance estimates started to find out how much money you could save.

Want to get your quotes started online? Then use our handy online form available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click on one of the links listed below pertaining to your geographic location to access the form:

Insurance for Gas Stations Baton Rouge – Recap

This week we continue to seek the answer to the following question: in addition to covering burglary and armed robbery, does a Crime Endorsement also cover employee theft and embezzlement?

Last week we explained how Chad managed to avoid detection for all these years even though his boss did periodically check the legitimacy of the charity donation cards.

So, we now understand how the “heist” was pulled, but how did Chad manage to steal such a large sum – over $20,000 – despite only pilfering $4 or $5 at a time and no more than a few times a day?

Let’s do the math.

Baton Rouge Corner Store Insurance – Insurance Scenario Part 14

If Chad stole an average of about $14 each day (some days he took more and some days he took less, of course), that works out to about $70 out of the register each week.

Still doesn’t sound like that much, though, right? Well, let’s keep going.

If Chad works 50 weeks out of the year, that means he was stealing approximately $3,500 from his employer annually.

$3,500 per year over the course of Chad’s six years of employment works out to something in the ballpark of $21,000!

As you can see, those small sums of money add up quite a bit over time.

You might be wondering how it all came to an end for Chad. We will begin that portion of the story next time.

Baton Rouge Gas Station Insurance – Call 337-824-4455 Today!

Call Jeff Davis Insurance today by dialing 337-824-4455 and speak to one of our licensed agents about our great new insurance programs for owners of gas stations, corner stores, and convenience stores.

We may be able to save you huge sums of money on your Baton Rouge Gas Station Insurance premiums!

To request a quote online, click your location below and fill out the form that appears:

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Louisiana Gas Station Insurance


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Low, Low Rates Are Available for Louisiana Gas Station Insurance!

Louisiana Gas Station Insurance

If you are in the market for Convenience Store or Gas Station Insurance in Louisiana then we have excellent news: Crazy low rates are now available for Louisiana Gas Station Insurance!

To inquire about free quotes and information call us at 337-824-4455 weekdays between 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST (with a lunch break between 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM).

To start your free quotes online, click the location below nearest to you. You will be redirected to our online quote request form available 24/7:

Insurance for Gas Stations Louisiana – Recap

Last time, Tracy explained to Pete that he does not have a crime endorsement on his business insurance, and therefore  is not covered for the theft of his business’ deposit money.

She also informs him that even if he had purchased the crime endorsement, he would not have been covered in this specific case, anyway.

Why? Let’s find out.

Louisiana Gas Station Insurance – Insurance Scenario Part 8

“But why?” Pete asks, incredulous. “That doesn’t make any sense. I mean, I understand that I wouldn’t be covered because I didn’t have the endorsement, but how could it still not be covered even if I had it?”

“That’s a very good question. Give me just a moment to pull up the policy and I’ll explain.”

Tracy pulls up Pete’s business insurance policy for his restaurant.

“I have your policy in front of me, Pete,” says Tracy calmly. “If you have a copy of it handy then I can point you to the appropriate section.”

Pete makes no indication that he is going to look for his policy, so Tracy presses on.

“I’m going to read verbatim a snippet from the ‘Money and Securities’ section of the policy. It reads:

‘We will pay for loss of “money” and “securities” used in your business resulting directly from theft, disappearance, or destruction-‘”

“Wait a minute,” says Pete suspiciously. “Doesn’t that mean my deposit is covered?”

“Yes,” answers Tracy. “But there’s more…”

She continues reading.

“‘– while at a bank or savings institution, within your living quarters or the living quarters of your  partners or any employee having use and custody of the property, at the described premises, or in transit between any of these places.'”

“In other words, Pete,” Tracy clarifies, “your policy only covers your money when it’s stolen on the bank premises, your house, or while you’re traveling between any of those locations.”

“So when I stopped at the gas station to grab a drink for the evening…” says Pete.

“… you nullified your coverage for the deposit.” Tracy finishes.

“But why?” Pete asks, frustrated. “Why does the coverage end there?”

“Well,” begins Tracy, preparing to be diplomatic with her answer. “Probably because stopping somewhere introduces a lot of risk that the insurance company isn’t prepared to cover, such as… you know, being robbed at a gas station…”

“Oh,” replies Pete.

Next week we will begin to take a look at the gas station owner’s policy.

For Gas Station Insurance in Louisiana, There’s No Better Agency to Call.

When it comes to finding great rates on Gas Station Insurance in Louisiana, there’s no better agency to call than Jeff Davis Insurance. Speak to an agent today by dialing 337-824-4455.

Alternately, you can click the location below nearest to you to access our online quote request form:

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