By typing car insurance Lafayette Louisiana, or its variation into the search engine that might indicate that you’re looking for better rates, a better agent, a better company or all three for your home or automobile insurance in Lafayette Louisiana!
The good news is that we can provide all three to you!
Jeff Davis Insurance has been serving the needs of thousands of individuals, families, and business owners for more than 50 years in the state of Louisiana.
Call 337-824-4455 to speak with our friendly licensed staff or in 5 minutes or less receive an online quote by clicking on Lafayette Louisiana car insurance.
Steps to Avoid Overpaying on Car Insurance Lafayette Louisiana!
In three previous articles we discussed ways to avoid overpaying on car insurance. You can click on bad credit, wrong car, and claims to avoid learning three steps to keep your premiums low.
Today we are going to discuss your driving record; does it matter if you accumulate many tickets and accidents on your record?
Let’s find out.
Do You Feel the Need to Speed?
Lead Foot Larry is always running behind schedule. Because of this fact, Larry in the last 18 months has accumulated five speeding tickets and his insurance company just learned of Larry’s insatiable need for speed and decided to cancel his car insurance policy.
Lead Foot Larry’s car insurance company rewards him with a cancellation notice.
Prior to Lead Foot Larry’s 5 speeding tickets he was paying only around $80 per month for his car insurance.
Now the cheapest price lead foot Larry can find is $280 per month.
Ouch! Lead Foot Larry is rewarded by receiving more than a 300% increase in his premium because he feels the need to speed.
What Is the Simple Reason Why Insurance Companies Raise Premiums When You Add Tickets to Your Record?
Speeding can lead to the loss of control of motor vehicles, which leads potentially to accidents and injuries.
For this reason insurance companies will aggressively raise rates or cancel policies when you feel the need for speed, and get caught!
What Can You Do to Avoid Speeding Tickets and Other Moving Violations?
Purchasing a radar or laser detector is not the answer. The best way to avoid tickets and other moving violations is to slow down, leave for work or school early, pay close attention to your speedometer, and make it a goal to obey the speed limits at all times.
Taking these steps will help you avoid speeding tickets and other moving violations and huge rate increases on car insurance in Lafayette Louisiana.
Call Jeff Davis Insurance If You Have Multiple Tickets and Accidents!
Even if you have tickets or accidents we can help you find better rates.
Call 337-824-4455 and speaking with our friendly and knowledgeable agents and we will help you save money on your car insurance in Lafayette Louisiana.
If after hours click on automobile insurance Lafayette Louisiana for online quotes available 24 hours per day.
Need car insurance in any other areas a Louisiana? Click on the links below for instant rate quotes:
- Car Insurance Crowley Louisiana
- Auto Insurance Jennings
- Car Insurance Lake Charles Louisiana
- Dequincy automobile Insurance
- Automobile Insurance Deridder La